Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Out of Control

In another world, I am the television show.

They shift uncomfortably in their seats, "She's out of control. Who would do that in real life?"
In another world, they watch me quoting from stale scripts.

They follow my love life- curse him, swoon over him- I'm capricious and I'm needy. But I don't need to choose, because the day I decide is the day that they will wind up this show and send me packing to oblivion-ville.

They feature me on websites, where my clothes are all wrong, they like me...they really do..."You're so cute, you know I love you and that demented little character you play so brilliantly on that whats-its-name-tv show..but hey! Is Xena the warrior princess in the house?!"

In another world, all of this is not real. I'm just a TV show and they love me!

1 comment:

apoorva said...

aww haha. don't get cancer and see your dead fiance walkin around pleez.