"We are adults now. When did that happen? How do we make it stop?"
(Grey's Anatomy. OBVIOUSLY. The only source I can quote from after three years of English Literature. No thank you to you Mr. Shakespeare. Although I do recall a certain line about a certain little white ewe being tupped by a certain old black ram. But that's only because my perversion got the best of me.)
But we are ADULTS now. Does that mean I have to stop being afraid of banks? I think that's the only thing keeping me from plunging into adulthood. A bank to Kritika, is like a potty to a child afraid of potties. It speaks to me in gutteral tones, "2 out of 100 in math. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? And you walk in here, impudent piece of shit, what do you think of yourself?! You think you can do it NOW? Do you not remember what happened with you and trigonometry last summer? Forgotten the shame already eh? Get out I say. Get OUT."
Do I have to be neat? Like learn how to fold clothes? Apply nail polish INSIDE the nails. Do I have to share now?
Because I can't do these things. there are only so many nachos inside the nachos box, and clothes are vile and tricky,sleev-ey and button-ey. Lets like compromise, I do my nail polish bit and I NEVER have to do banks and clothes and OMG..SHARE.
I don't know how to embark upon this journey to adultland. The land of bills and mortgages and family and marriage...
The HORROR! - That's Joseph Conrad bitches!
bad roommate
5 years ago
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