Having never been a fan of abstract notions, urban phrases, Icarus-ish-overeaching dreams and love that's not really all consuming- I laughed. Surely fashion faux pas are pardonable, I insist that they should be...and ummm...also a plate of pasta in white sauce once in a while. I offend you and that makes me want to clap my hands gleefully and dance around trees- I never seem to get the Bollywood out of my system.
I fight back harder when its hot and I am sleepy and I don't know the names of Margaret Atwood's poems.
"You never really liked chocolates as a child" -
my mother, on why she ate up all the chocolates my father bought for me when I was a kid.
A cruel lie.
I shall carry on her heritage.
bad roommate
5 years ago
this is brilliant! i really like.. and it's got a bit of apoorva's influence..hahah.. but its still you all through.. sigh.. i just keep writing abstract weird shit which doesn't make sense
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